quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009


Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Part 1)
Being the direct sequency of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, The Two Thrones is the last chapter of the "The Sands of Time" trilogy. Its plot has focus in the fight between the Prince and the Vizier, having had this been the antagonist of the first game of the trilogy, The Sands of Teams. Whereas its predecessor (Warrior Within) adopted a shady and gothic appearance, the producers had tried to rescue the style found in the acclaimed The Sands of Time for The Two Thrones and to create a half term between the two, adopting an appearance and a less violent personality for the protagonist and composing a sonorous track less "heavy". In the jogabilidade, a newness to the series was introduced: the system speed kill, that it consists to use of stealth to kill enemies without being noticed.

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