quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (film)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is an upcoming 2010 film written by Jordan Mechner, Boaz Yakin, Doug Miro, and Carlo Bernard, directed by Mike Newell, and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. The film is based on the 2003 video game of the same name, developed and released by Ubisoft Montreal. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time will be theatrically released on May 28, 2010. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan, Gemma Arterton as Tamina, Sir Ben Kingsley as Nizam, and Alfred Molina as Sheik Amar.
Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a street urchin in 6th century Persia. After showing valor in battle, he is adopted by the king as his heir, so the king's two sons will not fight over the throne. He teams up with Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) to rescue the Sands of Time, a gift from the gods that controls time, from the hands of the villainous nobleman, Nizam (Sir Ben Kingsley).


Prince of Persia (2008 game)
Prince of Persia is a video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released on December 2, 2008 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and on December 9 for PC. It is a new chapter in the Prince of Persia universe and introduces a new gameplay, along with a fresh "illustrative" visual style using cel-shading.
The game is set in ancient Persia, although the exact century is not revealed. In the game, the player assumes the role of the Prince, whose name is not revealed in the game. The Prince is accompanied by a girl named Elika, whom he met after a large sandstorm diverted him from his course and he ended up in a mysterious land. Players traverse many different environments using the Prince's acrobatic abilities to scale walls and even crawl on the ceilings. Throughout the journey, players combat various enemies as they attempt to cleanse the land of corruption. The game's storyline and setting borrow heavily from Zoroastrianism.
The gameplay in Prince of Persia retains a similar feel to the Sands of Time trilogy, in the sense that the acrobatics, puzzle solving and combat elements remain. However, the game is non-linear, and hence, the players are given the opportunity to explore any part of the world at any time they want to. The player fights enemies variously as they perform acrobatic feats to get from one fertile ground to another, to heal them.
The game is set in ancient Persia, in an undefined city-state where Zoroastrianism is the dominant religion. At the center of the city-state rests the temple imprisoning the god Ahriman, who was locked there by the god Ormazd. Ormazd locked Ahriman there because Ahriman was trying to conquer the land. At first, Ormazd stepped down, hoping Ahriman would stop when no resistance was met, but was soon forced to take action due to Ahriman conquering a majority of the countries and plaguing them with Corruption. Ormazd managed to imprison Ahriman and his Corruption inside the temple with the help of the Ahura. After this feat, Ormazd departed the world to rest among the stars, humiliated that he lacked the foresight to take action sooner.
A new supporting character, Elika, has a large role in gameplay, in that she saves the Prince from death while in combat or exploring the world. The Prince cannot "die" in this game, as Elika will save him from any danger and bring him back to the last safe point of the game. For example, if the Prince slips and misses a jump, instead of falling to his death, Elika will grab him, and set him back on the last stable platform that the Prince stood on. Elika can also perform many combat moves, some in tandem with the Prince. If the Prince is downed in combat, Elika can protect him as he regains his energy. She also assists him in acrobatics. She boosts the Prince further than he can jump alone using her magical abilities. She is also very acrobatic, performing the same moves as the Prince, with ease. When solving puzzles, Elika plays a role as well. If the Prince does not know where to go next, Elika will guide him in the right direction with a magic compass, however the magic compass points where directed by the player on the in-game map.
Combat largely differs from that in the Sands of Time trilogy, but is similar to that of the original Prince of Persia trilogy. The combat is one-on-one, and there are four main combat options. There is a sword attack, which is where the Prince uses his sword to attack enemies; a gauntlet attack, by which he lifts and throws enemies; a magic attack, by which Elika uses her magic to damage enemies; and an acrobatic attack, which is useful for switching places with the enemy, and performing combat feats in tandem with Elika. All of these four combat options can be linked together to perform combos which do variably more damage to enemies. In later stages of the game, enemies also change state, and can only be attacked using only one of four combat options at a given time, as indicated by the style of the enemy. If the player uses a combat option other than the one prompted, they will be damaged. There are three stages of the Prince's health in combat; healthy, weakened, and grounded. When the Prince is in his healthy state, he is not yet damaged. When an enemy strikes the Prince, he goes into his weakened state. He is more vulnerable to being attacked in his weakened state, but it can sometimes take several strikes to make the Prince go into his grounded state. When the Prince becomes grounded, the enemy makes a swift attempt to kill him. The player will be prompted into a quick-time action, in which they will have to push a button to subdue the enemy and get back up into their healthy state. If the player fails the quick-time event, pushing the wrong button, the enemy will attempt to kill the Prince. Elika, however, subdues the enemy as the Prince returns to his weakened state, but the enemy also regains a fraction of their health as well.
Acrobatics remain largely unchanged from the Sands of Time trilogy, except that Elika now provides acrobatic support. The Prince is capable of running on walls, sliding down walls, climbing walls, and jumping from wall-to-wall. The Prince utilizes his gauntlet as a tool to break the fall as he slides down a wall. Elika also plays a large role in acrobatics. Elika boosts the Prince further than he can normally go, she saves him if he misses a jump, and she herself is very capable and agile. As the game progresses, the Prince can collect Light Seeds.[7] The Light Seeds unlock certain abilities for Elika, which allow her to access various parts of the game world. The abilities activate certain plates, which, when boarded by Elika and the Prince, allow them to perform acrobatic feats that they couldn't otherwise, using magic.


Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Part 2)
Plot: After the events of the previous game, the Prince and Kaileena return to Babylon. As the Prince's vessel nears the shores of the city, he removes the medallion from his chestplate and drops the it into the sea. Upon returning to Babylon, he is horrified to find that the city is burning and ravaged by war. His ship is attacked and he and Kaileena are thrown overboard, with Kaileena taken prisoner after drifting ashore. After fighting his way through the city, the Prince discovers that as a result of his efforts on the Island of Time to prevent the Sands of Time from being created, the events of The Sands of Time never happened, thus, the Vizier was never killed. The Vizier possesses the Dagger of Time, and the magical staff, as well. The Vizier is now in search of the Sands of Time, and has captured the Empress of Time to get them. Just as the Prince finds Kaileena, he is captured, a daggertail embedded in his arm. The Vizier kills Kaileena and unleashes the Sands of Time, then impales himself with the Dagger of Time, the which now the contains the Sands of Time, turning him into an immortal being. The released Sands of Time also strike the Prince, infecting his open wound and embedding the daggertail into his arm. The Prince breaks free of bondage, and escapes, grabbing the Dagger of Time in the process.
As the Prince travels through the city once again to kill the Vizier, he finds that the Sands of Time have affected his mind. He has essentially been split into two personalities: one which, for the most part, strives to do good, although is fueled by vengeance, and the Dark Prince, manifested by an internal voice that speaks to the Prince. The Dark Prince is a cruel and arrogant being, who throughout the game, attempts to convince the Prince that they are the same person, and that the Prince should strive to serve only himself, using the Prince's vengeance as a catalyst for his other emotions. While searching for the Vizier, the Prince encounters Farah, who does not remember him, and is surprised that the Prince knows her name. As the game progresses, the Prince learns more about the nature of the Dark Prince, who is in fact, not a part of the Prince, just the manifestation of the Sands of Time trying to overcome his body and mind. The Prince eventually starts to ignore the Dark Prince, being inspired by Farah to be fueled by compassion for his people who are suffering, rather than be fueled by vengeance for the Vizier.
When the Prince finally finds the Vizier, he casts the Prince into a dried well, where the indwelling Dark Prince tries more aggressively to take control. The Prince eventually finds the dead body of his father, who he had hoped to reconcile with, and is forced to face his wrong actions. By accepting the consequences of what he has done, he silences the Dark Prince, seemingly in permanence. The Prince escapes the well, and once again confronts the Vizier, who he kills by impaling him with the Dagger of Time. Kaileena appears to the Prince and cleanses him of his infection by the Sands of Time, and all his wounds. As the Prince leans down to reach for his father's crown, he is confronted by the Dark Prince, who draws the Prince into his mind, where the two struggle for control. The Prince eventually realizes that fighting the Dark Prince will only intensify his anger, thus feeding the Dark Prince, so he decides to simply ignore the Dark Prince, who is eventually silenced, starved of anger and aggression. The Prince then awakens in Farah's embrace.


Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Part 1)
Being the direct sequency of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, The Two Thrones is the last chapter of the "The Sands of Time" trilogy. Its plot has focus in the fight between the Prince and the Vizier, having had this been the antagonist of the first game of the trilogy, The Sands of Teams. Whereas its predecessor (Warrior Within) adopted a shady and gothic appearance, the producers had tried to rescue the style found in the acclaimed The Sands of Time for The Two Thrones and to create a half term between the two, adopting an appearance and a less violent personality for the protagonist and composing a sonorous track less "heavy". In the jogabilidade, a newness to the series was introduced: the system speed kill, that it consists to use of stealth to kill enemies without being noticed.


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Some fans had criticized the style " dark" adopted in Warrior Within, when compared with its predecessor (Sands of Teams). SofT presents more vibrant colors, little blood, a certain mood, and typical musics of the Middle East, where the first game if it passes, while Warrior Within present darker places, much blood and musics in the style metal. On the other hand, many players had found that this style falls pro game better, and had criticized when its sequence (Two Thrones) came back a little to the style of SofT, when they had decided to release hand of the other sequence that would be the Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades therefore would follow style of the Warrior Within the same.
The game begins seven years after the events of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, where the Prince finds himself hunted by the Dahaka, the guardian of the timeline. Because the Prince escaped his fate, the Dahaka tries to ensure that the Prince dies as he was meant to. Seeking counsel from an old wise man, the Prince learns of the existence of the Island of Time, where the Sands of Time were created, which is ruled by the Empress of Time. The Prince sets sail for the Island of Time to attempt to prevent the Sands of Time from being created, by traveling backwards through time.


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Part 3)
The game story: In the Persian Empire, a king and its son defeat the powerful Maharajah and kidnap its son, taking possetion themselves of its palace and its treasures, including a giant hourglass and a mysterious dagger. Prince did not perceive that these two item could give to its owner a destined power deuses, being able to control the time. Been deceptive for the Vizier, that hid this secret of the others, the prince (Prince) untied the Sands of the Time, destroying the kingdom and transforming its population into demons. But the Prince, Vizier and the princess Farah, the kidnapped son of Maharajah, had not capsized sand demons therefore were protected with so old devices how much Sands of the Time. Now, he fits to the young Prince to use all its abilities to revert this terrible situation.


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Part 2)
This game combines exploration and combat to create a unique synthesis. Both elements make use of the Prince's acrobatic capability and agility. Throughout much of the game, the player must attempt to traverse the palace by running across walls, ascending or descending chasms by jumping back and forth between walls, avoiding traps, climbing structures and jumping from platform to platform, making other types of well-timed leaps, solving puzzles, and using discovered objects to progress. The cultural setting of the game provides many linguistically interesting inscriptions to be found on walls.
During combat, many of the same moves vital to the player in other situations can be put to use to overpower enemies. One example is the ability of the Prince to rebound off walls in order to strike enemies decisively. The player can also vault over the enemies' backs and then finish them off in two hits. The player generally attacks enemies and blocks using a sword, although other factors such as the Dagger of Time and its time-control abilities eventually prove to be critical to victory.
A pivotal gameplay element is the Prince's Dagger of Time. It contains "charges" of the Sands of Time from the hourglass that allow the Prince to control time. The Prince has the ability to "reverse" time and travel up to ten seconds into the past. While using this ability, all sounds and previous action play backwards, and the play environment accurately resets to its previous state. For example, if the Prince was struck by an enemy attack during the rewound period, the health he lost will be given back to him, or a bridge that was destroyed a few seconds ago will repair itself. The Dagger also allows the Prince to slow down time, and freeze his enemies, using it as a main-gauche to attack them directly.
The Dagger only comes with a limited number of uses. However, defeated enemies leave behind piles of the Sands of Time, which can be absorbed by the Dagger to replenish its stock. The stock can also be replenished by absorbing Sand Clouds. This encourages the player to confront and vanquish enemies (as opposed to avoiding them) in order to replenish the power to manipulate time during the more tricky acrobatic sections of the game. However, if the player does not absorb the Sand from a fallen enemy in about five seconds, said enemy will come back to life. Extra Sand Tanks can be gained by collecting eight Sand Clouds, and extra Power Tanks (which are used for different powers than the Sand Tanks) are gained by vanquishing sixteen enemies after having collected a new Sand Tank.
Later on, when Farah takes the Prince's sword and dagger, after solving a puzzle he gains an extremely powerful new sword in a large room, which has the capability to destroy the Sand like the dagger.